Well apparently I best organize my train of thought with a blog.
So kudos Design for Media
My video project is Time-base still life compositions, or slices of life
My one idea was going to be the monotony the life and just have simple moments that make up our lives, and the song was going to tie it together. Like "Little boxes" an upbeat song about the monotony of life.
I'm afraid that unless it's done amazingly like no one ever has, then it will be LAME
So I need another idea and I'm having trouble thinking of one, right now I'm just trying to gather footage while I have the camera out. I don't think that's the right way to go about it, I think I need a theme before I gather footage.
I think I've narrowed it down to two song
10 things by Paul Baribeau or
The best day by Atmosphere
10 things is a happier song, and I think I can really play off the lyrics
while the best day would kind of go with my first idea, only I could film bad things happen, not even bad necessarily, more annoyances or minor troubles.
We'll see how the weekends goes