Thursday, April 18, 2013


Once I discovered two different songs that would go very well with my projects, I was torn between the direction I wanted to go. With "little boxes" I feel like the message would have been a depressing, pessimistic outlook, where all of our lives are meaningless, as we turn out all the same, while as "will the circle be unbroken" wasn't any happier, I feel like its more of a memory of what was, and what can be, while still being about death.
I think my fascination with abandoned places comes from society's obsession with death. It's the one thing we all fear, the end of us. The common things around us, the worn down places that were once strong and built to last are no more, and I think that's a reminder of death as none of us will last either. Yet we all stress over the little things when that's not what you remember in the end. I think these things we pass on the way to work, on the way to the grocery store, or on the way to where ever we're going should remind us that maybe what we're stressing about isn't that big of a deal in the end.
So with all that, I'm going to use "will the circle be unbroken" in the background of my images.

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