Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Video preperation

I might be over thinking this, but I'd rather over think it than under think it.
It bothers me more than anything when there's a really nice video in every aspect, except for a woman's nails. I hate it when it's just worn down nail polish, I think it's really distracting
Getting to the point, I've been thinking about what my nails are going to be, because I don't want them to be distracting because they're bad, however I don't want them to be distracting because they're too busy either, since they're the only part of me you're going to see in the video
 I was experimenting with the crackle nail polish because I thought it would go really well with my theme, however I could only find my silver and blue, not the black that I wanted to use. and I don't like the blue and I think the silver is too distracting

with that I think I'm going to go with a plain color, I'm leaning towards this dark purple because I think going straight black would be too morbid? or like I'm trying too hard to morbid, when I'm not. So it'll definitely be a darker tone.
I plan on printing and taping this week, definitely. Tyler is still working on the song, he needs to get a hold of microphones and equipment and such, but I trust him to get it to me in time!

Update 1
I have some more choices and I'm still not sure I like any of them, it seems I'll just be walking around with all my nails different colors
I think I might like the lighter colors, but they can't be too shiny and distracting

these are actually 4 different colors, the two seem to be very close though

this is kind of a shiny purple than the previous one, and unfortunately shiner isn't better in this case 

Update 2
I have found the perfect color, not distracting, not shiny and very subtle

I was going to print the other day, but I got distracted, so I will be doing that Monday morning and then hopefully shooting Wednesday morning? I was just going to use natural light , so I might have to experiment with different times of day.
the song should be done this weekend, I'm still considering different effects on it, I don't know if I want it to be fairly clean, or add an effect to make it sound old and kind of crackled, but that should all be determined soon!

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